Can you help me translate the following in english.

"ecrire au moins 12 vers (enrivon 100 mots)"
-write at least 12 lines, around 100 words?
Is this the right translation?
-Thanks in advance.

Could someone please help me! Thanks

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Don't forget the accent marks! (écrire = accent aigu)

"write at leas 12 lines, around 100 words" = absolument! You must be studying poetry!


Thank you so much Mme. Your great!

"ecrire au moins 12 vers (enrivon 100 mots)"

un "vers" est une suite de mots dans une poésie.

vers--> verses?

Yes, your translation is correct! The phrase "ecrire au moins 12 vers (environ 100 mots)" translates to "write at least 12 lines, around 100 words" in English. You accurately captured the meaning of the phrase. Well done!