Hi! Having a lot of trouble with this one problem. The venn diagram problem is n(U)-n(B). I realize I did not post the venn diagram, I just need to know how to solve that type of problem using a venn diagram! Help would be greatly appreciated. : ) Thank you so much!! God Bless!! :)

A poll of a random sample of 100 UNAM students revealed that 82 are football fans and 62 are rugby fanatics draw a venn diagram of these information

Hi there! I'd be happy to help you solve that type of problem using a Venn diagram!

A Venn diagram is a graphical representation of sets, often used to visualize relationships between different groups or items. In your case, you're given the problem n(U) - n(B), which represents the number of elements in the universal set U that are not in set B.

To solve this problem using a Venn diagram, you typically follow these steps:

1. Draw circles representing the sets involved: In this case, you would draw a circle to represent the universal set U and another circle to represent set B. Make sure the circles overlap, as that's where the common elements will be placed.

2. Label the circles: Write "U" inside the circle representing the universal set U and "B" inside the circle representing set B.

3. Place the elements in the appropriate regions: Based on the information given in the problem, place the elements that belong to set B in the overlapping region of the Venn diagram. Elements that are not in set B should be placed outside the circle representing set B, but still within the circle representing the universal set U.

4. Count the number of elements: Count the number of elements outside the circle representing set B but within the circle representing the universal set U. This count represents n(U) - n(B), where n(U) is the number of elements in the universal set U and n(B) is the number of elements in set B.

By using this approach, you can determine the number of elements in the universal set U that are not in set B using a Venn diagram.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.