Currently doing a map of the region of East Asia. The countries included according to Wikipedia are: People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea and South Korea. Information that I have to identify for this region are: location of major industries, energy resources, military bases and agricultural activity; each country's membership in regional, continental, global organizations including the United Nations and other Inter-governmental, non-governmental and multi-national corporate organizations; the region's relationship to the rest of the world: trade, aid; military alliances and special arrangements beyond the region to benefit the region. I need help identifying this information. Thanks.

You'll find most of your information by looking up each country in this source.

To gather the necessary information for your map of the East Asia region, you can follow these steps:

1. Location of major industries:
- Start by searching for each country's industrial sectors. Look for government reports, statistical databases, or industry-specific sources.
- Identify key industries like manufacturing, technology, automotive, electronics, textiles, or any other prominent sectors in each country.
- Pinpoint the major industrial centers or regions within each country. This can be done by researching economic development zones, special industrial zones, or cities known for specific industries.

2. Energy resources:
- Research the available energy resources in each country. These may include fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric), or nuclear power.
- Look for government energy reports, industry publications, or databases specific to energy resources.
- Identify the major locations or regions where these energy resources are extracted or produced.

3. Military bases:
- Explore official military publications or news sources that provide information on military bases in each country.
- Look for government or military statements about the location and size of military installations.
- Check military-focused websites or resources that track global military forces and bases.

4. Agricultural activity:
- Research each country's agricultural sector. Look for government reports, statistical databases, or agricultural organizations.
- Identify the major crops grown or livestock raised in each country.
- Find information about agricultural regions or specific areas known for their agricultural activity.

5. Membership in regional, continental, and global organizations:
- Search for official government websites or international organization directories to find each country's membership status.
- Consult the official websites of regional organizations like ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), or East Asia Summit.
- Look for each country's participation in global organizations such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization (WTO), or international treaties and agreements.

6. Relationship with the rest of the world:
- Explore each country's trade publications, government reports, or statistical databases to find information on trade partners, import/export data, or trade agreements.
- Investigate each country's foreign aid policies by referring to official government documents or aid organization reports.
- Identify any military alliances or special arrangements each country has with countries outside the East Asia region. This can be done by researching official statements or military cooperation agreements.

7. Additional sources:
- Utilize a variety of sources like official government websites, international organization databases, academic research articles, or news publications to gather accurate and up-to-date information.
- Cross-reference the information obtained to ensure reliability and accuracy.

Remember, this process will require thorough research and analysis, and sources should be cited appropriately.