“Our prosperity rests on the basic [beliefs] that the work of free individuals makes a nation—and it is the job of Government to help them do the best they can... that our greatest resource is the health and skills and knowledge of our people... that older Americans... are entitled to live out their lives in dignity... that individual farmers and individual workers have a right to some protection against those forces which might deprive them of a decent income from the fruits of their labor.” —Lyndon Johnson, May 1964

According to Johnson, the primary role of government is to

A.) protect older Americans.

B.) provide a decent income.

*C.) support individual effort.

D.) conserve resources.

I agree.

Thank you...

To determine the answer to this question, we can start by analyzing the quote provided. In the quote, Lyndon Johnson states that "the work of free individuals makes a nation." This suggests that he believes in the importance of individual effort and work. He also mentions that it is the job of the government to help individuals do their best. From these statements, we can conclude that the primary role of government, according to Johnson, is to support individual effort.

By narrowing down the choices based on this analysis, we can see that option C.) support individual effort aligns with Johnson's statements. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is C.) support individual effort.