The maximum number of electrons in the second energy level of an atom is ____.


The number of _____ is equal to the atomic number.

both a and c

These are basic definitions.

The atomic number = the number of what?

whats your number


To find the maximum number of electrons in a specific energy level of an atom, you need to know the maximum number of electrons it can hold.

The maximum number of electrons in any energy level can be calculated using the formula 2n^2, where n is the principal quantum number or the energy level.

So, for the second energy level (n=2), the maximum number of electrons would be 2(2)^2 = 2(4) = 8.

Therefore, the correct answer is eight.

Regarding the second question, the number of electrons is indeed equal to the atomic number. The atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, and since atoms are neutral, the number of electrons is the same as the number of protons.

So, the correct answer is "both a and c" since both protons and electrons are equal to the atomic number.