4. Which one of the following poems depends heavily on the use of allusion for effect?

A. "Death, Be Not Proud"

B. "Grass"

C. "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night"

D. "God's Grandeur"

5. The theme of the poem "Richard Cory" is that

A. money can't buy love.

B. Richard Cory was a victim of fate.

C. a person's inner reality is often hidden.

D. surface glitter may be fool's gold.

7. In her poem, "The New Colossus," Emma Lazarus identifies the Statue of Liberty with

A. Old World tyranny.

B. the Colossus of Rhodes.

C. wretchedness.

D. a mother.

9. In "Death, Be Not Proud," what two things does Donne say give pleasure?

A. God and salvation

B. Nature and travel

C. Life and death

D. Rest and sleep

11. The form of the poem "God's Grandeur" is that of

A. an Italian sonnet.

B. an English sonnet.

C. blank verse.

D. a villanelle.

14. Beyond tone, a poet's attitude toward his or her subject reveals to us a poem's

A. subject.

B. diction.

C. theme.

D. structure.

17. What type of poem is "Death, Be Not Proud"?

A. Descriptive

B. Narrative

C. Reflective

D. Discursive

20. Consider the line "(the soil)/ Is bare now, nor can feet feel, being shod."
By analysis, we deduce that Hopkins means people are out of touch with God because they're

A. moving to cities.

B. out of touch with the earth.

C. too concerned with property.

D. depending on worthless machinery.


I'll give you one: #5 is C.


Search for the other titles here. Then let us know what YOU THINK.

i will give you #14 its C theme

#4 is A



20. Consider the line "(the soil)/ Is bare now, nor can feet feel, being shod."
By analysis, we deduce that Hopkins means people are out of touch with God because they're

B. out of touch with the earth.

To answer these questions, you need to have a good understanding of the poems and their literary techniques. Here's how you can approach each question:

4. Read each of the poems mentioned and identify the one that heavily relies on allusion for effect. Look for references or mentions of other literary works, historical events, or cultural symbols within the poem.

5. Read the poem "Richard Cory" and analyze its main theme. Consider the overall message or lesson conveyed by the poem and choose the option that best represents that theme.

7. Read the poem "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus and identify how she associates the Statue of Liberty with certain ideas or symbols. Determine which option aligns with her depiction in the poem.

9. Read the poem "Death, Be Not Proud" by John Donne and locate the specific lines where Donne mentions two things that bring pleasure. Choose the option that matches those references.

11. Determine the structure or form of the poem "God's Grandeur" by analyzing its rhyme scheme, meter, and overall structure. Compare it to the options provided and choose the correct form.

14. Consider the poet's attitude or perspective towards the subject matter of the poem. Look for clues in the tone of the language and imagery used. Choose the option that best captures the poet's attitude.

17. Identify the type or genre of the poem "Death, Be Not Proud" by analyzing its characteristics and elements. Consider whether it is descriptive, narrative, reflective, or discursive in nature.

20. Analyze the line from Hopkins' poem and interpret its meaning. Consider the context of the surrounding lines and the overall theme of the poem. Choose the option that aligns with your interpretation.

If the book is not providing enough information, you can also consult additional resources such as online databases, literary analysis websites, or seek guidance from a teacher or tutor. Remember to always analyze the poems and their literary techniques carefully to arrive at the correct answers.