tan4.7 * cot4.7

I understand tan4.7 = 1/ cot 4.7 but I'm stuck after this thanks.

cot ( theta ) = 1 / tan ( theta )

tan 4.7 * cot 4.7 = tan4.7 * 1 / tan 4.7 = tan 4.7 / tan 4.7 = 1

Would the answer be =1 since tan4.7* cot 4.7 = 1? Thanks

To find the value of tan 4.7 * cot 4.7, we can substitute the value of tan 4.7 as 1/cot 4.7.

So, tan 4.7 * cot 4.7 becomes (1/cot 4.7) * cot 4.7.

The cot 4.7 in the numerator and denominator cancels out, leaving us with a value of 1.

Therefore, tan 4.7 * cot 4.7 = 1.

To solve this expression, we need to understand the trigonometric identities for tangent (tan) and cotangent (cot).

The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side of a right triangle.

The cotangent of an angle is defined as the reciprocal of the tangent. So cot(theta) = 1 / tan(theta).

Given that you've already identified that tan(4.7) = 1 / cot(4.7), we can substitute this into the original expression:

tan(4.7) * cot(4.7) = (1 / cot(4.7)) * cot(4.7)

Here, the cot(4.7) terms cancel each other out since you have cot(4.7) in the numerator and denominator. Therefore, the expression simplifies to:

tan(4.7) * cot(4.7) = 1

So the answer to tan(4.7) * cot(4.7) is 1.