How did Enlightenment thinkers attempt to apply the techniques of the Scientific Revolution to human political and social organizations?

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Enlightenment thinkers sought to apply the techniques of the Scientific Revolution to human political and social organizations through the principles of reason, empiricism, and the belief in progress. These thinkers believed in using logic and evidence-based reasoning to understand and improve the functioning of societies.

To achieve this, they analyzed and critiqued existing political and social systems to identify their flaws and propose rational alternatives. They aimed to replace traditional forms of authority, such as monarchy and religious dogma, with systems based on rationality and human rights.

Enlightenment thinkers advocated for the separation of powers, inspired by the ideas of political philosopher Montesquieu. This concept involved dividing political authority into separate branches, such as the executive, legislative, and judicial, to prevent the concentration of power and promote checks and balances.

They also emphasized the importance of individual liberties and rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press. Influenced by philosophers like John Locke, they argued that these rights were natural and inherent to all individuals.

Moreover, Enlightenment thinkers promoted the idea that societies should be based on consent and social contract. They believed that governments should gain legitimacy from the consent of the governed, and individuals should have the ability to actively participate in decision-making processes, either directly or through elected representatives.

To further their goals, Enlightenment thinkers leveraged various mediums like books, pamphlets, and salons to disseminate their ideas widely and engage in intellectual discussions with their contemporaries. These exchanges of ideas helped to shape and refine their thoughts on political and social organization.

In summary, by applying the techniques of the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment thinkers sought to create political and social systems based on reason, evidence, and the pursuit of progress, advocating for concepts like separation of powers, individual liberties, social contract, and democratic governance.