The ideal study plan includes which of the following?

A. An elaborate study environment.

B. Quality preparation.

C. Use of as much different intelligence as possible.

D. Both A & C.

I think its D

I disagree. Abraham Lincoln and many others have been very successful without an elaborate study environment.

then its C

I agree.

To determine if the answer is D, we need to evaluate each option in the question.

A. An elaborate study environment: This refers to creating a study space that is conducive to learning, such as a quiet and organized area free from distractions. While an elaborate study environment can be helpful, it is not necessarily considered an essential component of an ideal study plan.

B. Quality preparation: This refers to the readiness and level of preparation for studying. It includes having a clear plan, the necessary materials, and a good understanding of the subject matter. Quality preparation is widely recognized as an important aspect of an effective study plan.

C. Use of as much different intelligence as possible: This refers to utilizing different learning styles and approaches to studying. People have varying abilities and preferences in how they process and retain information, known as different types of intelligence. Incorporating different study techniques that appeal to different types of intelligence can enhance learning and comprehension.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that both B (Quality preparation) and C (Use of as much different intelligence as possible) are important components of an ideal study plan. Therefore, the correct answer is D, which includes both of these options.