If my yard stick casts a shadow of 20inches .holl tall is a flagpole that casts 25ft shadow

36/20 = x/25

Cross multiply and solve for x.

Ms. y did u skip my question?

Kristien -- I don't know how to do your question.

Ok I understand:)

To determine the height of the flagpole, we can use a proportion to compare the lengths of the shadows.

First, let's convert the 25ft shadow into inches. Since 1 foot is equal to 12 inches, we can multiply 25 by 12 to get the equivalent length in inches:
25 ft = 25 * 12 = 300 inches.

Now we have the lengths of both shadows: 20 inches and 300 inches.

We can set up a proportion based on the relationship between the flagpole's height and the length of its shadow:
(height of flagpole) / (length of flagpole's shadow) = (height of the yardstick) / (length of the yardstick's shadow).

Let's substitute the known values into the proportion:
(height of flagpole) / 300 = 1 / 20.

To solve for the height of the flagpole, we can cross-multiply and then divide:
(height of flagpole) = (1 / 20) * 300 = 15 inches.

Therefore, the flagpole's height is 15 inches.