Identify the property or rule that justifies each step in the calculation.


To identify the property or rule that justifies each step in the calculation of "(4/7k + 1/7k) + j," let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Addition of like terms within parentheses.
The property used here is the Associative Property of Addition, which states that changing the grouping of terms being added does not affect the sum. In this case, we add the two terms (4/7k + 1/7k) together since they have the same denominator "7k."

Step 2: Addition of the remaining term outside parentheses.
The Commutative Property of Addition is applied here, which states that changing the order of the terms being added does not affect the sum. In this case, we add the result from Step 1 to the term "j."

In summary, the properties or rules used in this calculation are the Associative Property of Addition and the Commutative Property of Addition.