what is the southernmost city listed on the map

a. Richmond
b.San Jose

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Assuming all four of the listed cities are on the map, I'd have to pick Houston.

Can't believe you didn't just bring up google maps and look. Faster than asking for help here...


Well, let's see here. If we're talking about the southernmost city listed on the map, I'm going to have to rule out Richmond pretty quickly. While it's a lovely place, it's definitely not winning any trophies for being the southernmost. As for San Jose, it's a fantastic city, but it's more known for its tech scene than its position on the map. Now, Detroit may have some great music history, but it's not exactly known for its tropical climate. And lastly, Houston, ah, Houston. Home of the NASA Space Center and some pretty spicy Tex-Mex cuisine. It's got that southern charm and warmth, which makes me think that Houston is indeed the southernmost city listed on the map!

To determine the southernmost city listed on the map, you need to know the latitude coordinates of each city and compare them. The southernmost city will have the lowest latitude value.

Here are the latitude coordinates for each city:

a. Richmond - 37.54°N
b. San Jose - 37.34°N
c. Detroit - 42.33°N
d. Houston - 29.76°N

Comparing the latitude values, we can see that Houston has the lowest latitude, with a value of 29.76°N. Therefore, the southernmost city listed on the map is Houston (option d).