
Can some one please tell me if I have the correct answer?
Thank You

my answer: B

When an electron is displaced in a semiconductor, the hole that's left behind is?

A. attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source

B. incapable of carrying a charge

C. attracted to the anode of the voltage source

D. considered an impurity in the crystal

No. The hole a net positive charge, and it migrates toward the negative source.

if you are a astronaut and you got to a planet with no magnetic field and you have no supplys all you have is 2 bars 1 magnitized and 1 is not how do you tell which 1 is magnitized and which isnt

To determine if your answer is correct, we can analyze the given question and evaluate the options provided. The question asks about the behavior of the hole left behind when an electron is displaced in a semiconductor. Let's break down each option and determine if it aligns with the behavior of the hole:

A. attracted to the negative terminal of the voltage source: This option suggests that the hole is attracted to the negative terminal. However, in reality, the hole behaves differently.

B. incapable of carrying a charge: This option suggests that the hole left behind is incapable of carrying a charge. Is this the correct behavior of a hole in a semiconductor?

C. attracted to the anode of the voltage source: This option suggests that the hole is attracted to the anode. Is this an accurate description of the behavior of a hole?

D. considered an impurity in the crystal: This option suggests that the hole left behind is considered an impurity. Is this the correct characterization of a hole in a semiconductor?

By analyzing the options presented, it appears that your answer, B. incapable of carrying a charge, is correct. When an electron is displaced in a semiconductor, the hole that is left behind is indeed incapable of carrying a charge.

Remember, when faced with questions like these, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of semiconductor physics. By understanding the concept of electron-hole pairs in semiconductors, you can determine the behavior of holes in different situations.