Which of the following elements is a nonmetal?


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To determine which of the elements is a nonmetal, we need to understand the properties of nonmetals. Nonmetals are typically found on the right side of the periodic table and tend to have the following characteristics:

- Poor thermal and electrical conductivity
- Brittle solids or gases at room temperature
- Low melting and boiling points
- Generally gain electrons to form anions

Now let's analyze each element in the given options:

1. Fe (Iron): Iron is a transition metal and is located on the left side of the periodic table. It is not a nonmetal.

2. Li (Lithium): Lithium is an alkali metal, also located on the left side of the periodic table. It is not a nonmetal.

3. Cl (Chlorine): Chlorine is located in Group 17 (Group 7A) of the periodic table, which is known as the halogens. Halogens are nonmetals, including elements like fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Thus, chlorine (Cl) is indeed a nonmetal.

4. Si (Silicon): Silicon is located in Group 14 (Group 4A) of the periodic table. It is a metalloid, which exhibits both properties of metals and nonmetals. Although it is not a nonmetal, it is not fully metallic either.

Therefore, out of the options provided, the element that is a nonmetal is Cl (Chlorine).