If 15gram of potassium trioxochlorate V is heated in the presence of MnO2.What is the mass of chloride produce?

To determine the mass of chloride produced when 15 grams of potassium trioxochlorate V is heated in the presence of MnO2, we need to understand the chemical reaction that occurs between these two compounds.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction can be represented as follows:

2KClO3 + MnO2 → K2MnO4 + Cl2

From the equation, we can see that two moles of potassium trioxochlorate (KClO3) react with one mole of manganese dioxide (MnO2) to produce one mole of potassium permanganate (K2MnO4) and two moles of chlorine gas (Cl2).

Now let's calculate the molar mass of KClO3:

Potassium (K): 1 atom x 39.10 g/mol = 39.10 g/mol
Chlorine (Cl): 1 atom x 35.45 g/mol = 35.45 g/mol
Oxygen (O): 3 atoms x 16.00 g/mol = 48.00 g/mol

Add these values together:
39.10 g/mol + 35.45 g/mol + 48.00 g/mol = 122.55 g/mol

Next, we calculate the moles of KClO3 using its molar mass:

Moles of KClO3 = Mass / Molar mass
Moles of KClO3 = 15 g / 122.55 g/mol
Moles of KClO3 ≈ 0.1224 mol

According to the balanced equation, when 2 moles of KClO3 react, 2 moles of Cl2 are produced. Therefore, when 0.1224 mol of KClO3 reacts, 0.1224 mol of Cl2 is produced.

Now, calculate the mass of Cl2 produced using its molar mass:

Molar mass of Cl2 = 2 atoms x 35.45 g/mol = 70.90 g/mol

Mass of Cl2 produced = Moles of Cl2 x Molar mass of Cl2
Mass of Cl2 produced = 0.1224 mol x 70.90 g/mol
Mass of Cl2 produced ≈ 8.68 grams

Therefore, when 15 grams of potassium trioxochlorate V is heated in the presence of MnO2, the mass of chloride produced is approximately 8.68 grams.