Find the 11th term of the arithmetic sequence 7, 4.4, 1.8, -0.8, …

A. -33
B. -19
C. 33
D. 19


not B, I mean A. -33

you were right the first time

a = 7
d = -2.6

term(11) = a+ 10d
= 7 + 10(-2.6)
= 7- 26 = -19

which is B)

To find the 11th term of an arithmetic sequence, you can use the formula:

an = a1 + (n - 1) * d

an is the nth term of the sequence
a1 is the first term of the sequence
n is the number of terms
d is the common difference between consecutive terms

In this case, we are given the first term, a1, as 7. We are also given the common difference, d, which is the difference between any two consecutive terms. In this sequence, the common difference is -2.6 since each term decreases by 2.6.

Using the formula, we can calculate the 11th term:

a11 = 7 + (11 - 1) * (-2.6)
= 7 + 10 * (-2.6)
= 7 - 26
= -19

Therefore, the 11th term of the given arithmetic sequence is -19, which corresponds to option B.