Can you please solve this I don't understand I know the answer is b>3 but If you can break it down for me and show work? (:


3b + 12 > 27 - 2b

add 2b to both sides

5b + 12> 27

subtract 12 from both sides

5b > 15

divide both sides by 5

This works with the same rules that you would use with equations.


3b + 2b > 27 - 12

5b > 15

b > 3

Thank you to the both of you. I understand now I was getting mixed up. :)

Of course! Let's solve the inequality step by step.

Starting with the given inequality:
3b + 12 > 27 - 2b

First, let's simplify the equation by combining like terms. We can combine the b terms on the left side:
3b + 2b + 12 > 27

Now, let's combine the coefficients of b:
5b + 12 > 27

Next, let's isolate the variable b by subtracting 12 from both sides of the inequality:
5b + 12 - 12 > 27 - 12
5b > 15

Finally, to solve for b, we divide both sides of the inequality by 5 (the coefficient of b):
(5b)/5 > 15/5
b > 3

Therefore, the solution to the inequality 3b + 12 > 27 - 2b is b > 3.