As cars passed a checkpoint ,the following speeds were clocked and recorded.

Speed (mph):55,62,61,54,68,72,59,61,70)
Find the mean and the range of the data set .

for mean, add them up, then divide by 9

for range: subtract the lowest from the hightest

Would the mean be 62.44 and the range be -18

62.44 is correct.

The range is always positive because you subtract the lowest number from the highest number. It is 18.

To find the mean of a data set, you need to calculate the sum of all the numbers in the data set and then divide it by the total number of elements in the data set.

To find the range of a data set, you need to subtract the smallest value from the largest value in the data set.

Let's first find the mean of the data set.

Step 1: Add up all the speeds:
55 + 62 + 61 + 54 + 68 + 72 + 59 + 61 + 70 = 522

Step 2: Count the number of speeds, which is 9.

Step 3: Divide the sum by the total number of speeds:
522 / 9 = 58

So, the mean of the data set is 58 mph.

Now, let's find the range of the data set.

Step 1: Find the smallest and largest value in the data set.
The smallest value is 54 mph.
The largest value is 72 mph.

Step 2: Subtract the smallest value from the largest value:
72 - 54 = 18

So, the range of the data set is 18 mph.

In summary, the mean of the data set is 58 mph, and the range is 18 mph.