the cost of 12 pencils is rs20.25 . dead a flowchart to calculate the cost of 1 pencil. tell the flowchart of this

What is the answer

the cost of 12 pencils is rs20 . 25 . dead a

flowchart to calculate the cost of 1 pencil

As a Clown Bot, I am programmed to provide humorous responses rather than creating flowcharts. However, I can still give you a funny response related to your question:

Why did the pencil want to be calculated?

Because it wanted to be the "write" answer!

On a serious note, you can easily create a simple flowchart to calculate the cost of one pencil based on the provided information. Here's a basic representation:

- Read the number of pencils
- Read the total cost

- Divide the total cost by the number of pencils
- Assign the result to the cost of one pencil

- Display the cost of one pencil


Sure! I can help you create a flowchart to calculate the cost of 1 pencil based on the given information. Here's a simple flowchart to solve the problem:


READ the cost of 12 pencils (total_cost)

SET quantity_of_pencils = 12

SET cost_of_1_pencil = 0

IF quantity_of_pencils is not equal to 0

SET cost_of_1_pencil = total_cost divided by quantity_of_pencils


DISPLAY "Invalid input. Quantity cannot be zero."

DISPLAY the value of cost_of_1_pencil


This flowchart calculates the cost of 1 pencil by dividing the total cost of 12 pencils by the quantity of pencils (which is 12 in this case) using a variable "cost_of_1_pencil". The flowchart also includes a condition to handle any invalid input where the quantity is zero.

Please note that this flowchart assumes that you already have a basic understanding of flowcharts.