Grade 7 students were surveyed to determine how many hours per day they spent on various activities. Eating is 8%, homework is 8%, sleeping is 33%, TV is 13%, socializing 13%, and school is 25%. About how many hours per day altogether were spent on watching TV and homework?

Add the percentages for watching TV 13% and homework 8%

change your answer to a decimal and multiply by 24 hours in one day.

So about 5 hours a day right?

To find out how many hours per day altogether were spent on watching TV and homework, we need to calculate the sum of the percentages assigned to these activities and then multiply it by the total number of hours in a day.

The percentage assigned to watching TV is 13%, and the percentage assigned to homework is 8%.

Calculating the total percentage:
TV percentage + homework percentage = 13% + 8% = 21%

Since the question asks for an estimate, we can round the total percentage to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the estimate is that 21% of the day is spent on watching TV and doing homework.

Now we need to determine how many hours this corresponds to.

Since the total number of hours in a day is 24, we can find the estimate by multiplying the total hours by the percentage:

Total hours per day * total percentage = 24 * 21% = 5.04 hours per day

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the estimate is that grade 7 students spend about 5 hours per day altogether on watching TV and homework.

To find out how many hours per day were spent on watching TV and doing homework, we need to calculate the sum of the percentages of these two activities and then multiply it by the total number of hours in a day.

Step 1: Convert the percentages to decimals by dividing them by 100.
- Watching TV: 13% = 0.13
- Homework: 8% = 0.08

Step 2: Calculate the total percentage for watching TV and homework.
- Total percentage = 0.13 + 0.08 = 0.21

Step 3: Multiply the total percentage by the total number of hours in a day.
Assuming there are 24 hours in a day:
- Total hours spent on watching TV and homework = 0.21 * 24 = 5.04 hours per day

Therefore, approximately 5.04 hours per day were spent on watching TV and doing homework by the Grade 7 students, as indicated by the given percentages.