How much heat (kcal)is needed to melt 14 ice cubes? Each cube is at 0c and has a mass of 28grams.

q = mass ice x heat fusion

q = 14*28g*80 cal/g = ? and convert to kcal

To find out how much heat is needed to melt 14 ice cubes, you need to calculate the heat transfer for each individual ice cube and then multiply it by the number of cubes.

The heat required to melt a substance can be calculated using the formula:

Q = m * ΔH

Q is the heat energy in calories (or kcal),
m is the mass of the substance in grams, and
ΔH is the heat of fusion, which is the amount of heat required to change 1 gram of a substance from a solid to a liquid state. For water, it is 79.7 calories per gram.

Now, let's calculate the heat transfer for one ice cube:

m = 28 grams (mass of one ice cube)
ΔH = 79.7 calories per gram (heat of fusion for water)

Q = 28 grams * 79.7 calories/gram
Q = 2231.6 calories

So, to melt one ice cube, 2231.6 calories of heat energy is required.

To calculate the total heat transfer for 14 ice cubes, you can multiply the heat transfer for one cube by the number of cubes:

Total Q = 14 cubes * 2231.6 calories/cube
Total Q = 31242.4 calories

Since 1 kilocalorie (kcal) is equal to 1000 calories, we can convert the total heat transfer from calories to kilocalories:

Total Q = 31.2424 kcal

Therefore, approximately 31.24 kcal of heat energy is needed to melt 14 ice cubes, with each cube having a mass of 28 grams and a temperature of 0°C.