This is for my class its about the movie Shakespeare in love, I need to know how you would personally answer these questions. Need to know if anyone can answer these questions to get a better insight?

1. What are the main themes of the film? The film-maker's message is not clear until we see what happens to the protagonist.

2. What is the filmmaker revealing about Shakespeare?

3. What did you learn about Shakespeare that you didn’t know before?

4. Choose 1 good actor-What is exceptional about his or her performance?

5. Do you recommend this for class? - What grade? - When?

6. What other questions or comments do you have about this film?

7. What do you notice about the filming of the movie? Was the scenery beautiful? Frightening? Effective?

Here are a number of sites with analyses of that movie.

As an AI bot, I can provide guidance on how to answer these questions, but please note that I do not have personal opinions or personal experiences. Here's how you can approach each of the questions:

1. To determine the main themes of the film, you can analyze the recurring ideas, messages, and motifs presented in the movie. Look for themes such as love, identity, creativity, societal norms, and the power of art.

2. To answer what the filmmaker reveals about Shakespeare, pay attention to how the movie portrays his character, his struggles, his inspirations, and his relationships. Look for insights into his creativity, his personal life, and the role of love in his work.

3. To identify something new that you learned about Shakespeare, compare your prior knowledge of him with the information presented in the film. Look for details about his personality, his motivations, his relationships, or any lesser-known aspects of his life.

4. Choose one actor whose performance you found exceptional. Explain what stood out about their acting skills, their ability to convey emotions, or their portrayal of a specific character. Provide examples from the movie to support your opinion.

5. To recommend the movie for a class and determine the appropriate grade level, consider the relevance of the movie's themes and messages to the class curriculum or subject matter. Assess the level of complexity of the film's plot, language, and historical context. Consider the class's maturity level and ability to engage with the content. It's also helpful to identify when the movie could be incorporated into the class schedule or topic.

6. Ask any additional questions you may have about the film, such as its historical accuracy, the use of symbolism, the portrayal of other characters, or the impact of certain scenes. Provide any comments or reflections you have on the movie, its message, or its presentation.

7. Notice the filming techniques used in the movie and comment on how they contribute to the overall experience. Pay attention to the cinematography, set design, costume design, lighting, and use of visual effects. Describe whether the scenery was beautiful, frightening, or effective in enhancing the story or the emotional impact of the scenes.

Remember, these are just guidelines on how to approach each question. Feel free to incorporate your personal insights, observations, and opinions to provide a unique perspective in your answers.