What can thembi do to deal with the unethical behaviour?name 4 action she can take. 3.3.3 How should discrimination in the work place be dealt with?

By avoiding pretend like she didn't care,asking someone advise and by reported some for sexual harrassement

What can thembi do to deal with the unethical behavior?name 4 actions she can take.

Identify the form of discrimination in the case study

What unethical behaviour is taking place in the case study.name two

Go to the police

To deal with unethical behavior, Thembi can take the following four actions:

1. Document instances of unethical behavior: Thembi should carefully document each incident of unethical behavior, including date, time, individuals involved, witnesses, and a detailed description of the event. This documentation will serve as evidence if it becomes necessary to take further action.

2. Report the behavior to a supervisor or manager: Thembi should inform their supervisor or manager about the unethical behavior, providing all the documented evidence. If the supervisor or manager is the one engaging in unethical behavior, Thembi should report the issue to the next level of authority or the HR department.

3. Consult the organization's code of conduct and policies: Thembi should review the organization's code of conduct and policies to determine if they address unethical behavior and the appropriate reporting procedures. Following the established guidelines will ensure that Thembi is taking the correct steps and receiving the support they need.

4. Seek legal advice if needed: If the unethical behavior persists or if it is severe enough to violate laws or regulations, Thembi may consider seeking legal advice from an employment lawyer. The lawyer can provide guidance on how to protect their rights and ensure proper action is taken.

Now, turning to your second question regarding dealing with discrimination in the workplace:

Discrimination in the workplace can be addressed by following these steps:

1. Understand the law: Thembi should familiarize themselves with the local labor laws, as discrimination laws and protections can vary by jurisdiction. This knowledge will help Thembi understand their rights and the legal avenues available to address discrimination.

2. Gather evidence: If Thembi believes they have experienced discrimination, it is important to gather evidence to support their claim. This can include emails, documents, testimonies from witnesses, or any other relevant information that documents the discriminatory act.

3. Report the discrimination: Thembi should report the discrimination to their supervisor, HR department, or another designated authority within the organization. They should follow any established procedures for reporting and provide all the evidence they have collected.

4. Seek external support or legal advice: In some cases, it may be necessary to seek external support or legal advice. This can involve consulting with an employment lawyer, contacting a labor board or commission, or seeking assistance from a local advocacy organization specializing in workplace discrimination.

Dealing with discrimination requires a proactive approach involving thorough documentation, reporting the incidents, and leveraging legal protections and the support available both within and outside the organization.