i am posting these questions with my answers, please help

1.what type of hazard is a spider bite a. physical b. chemical c. biological d. ergonomic. my ans. is (b)
2. a child who has to struggle to climb into a chair is confronting a/an hazard. a. biological b. physical c. ergonomic d. environmental
(my ans. is b)
3. some child psychologists have concluded that is the strongest predictor of both scholastic and career achievement. a. physical ilness b.respect for authority c.emotional well-being d. inherited intelligence ( my ans. is d)
4.a childs abiliy to jump for distance is an example of a. agility b. flexibility c. explosive power d. reaction time (my ans is flexibility)
5. growth, maturation, and learning are all used interchangeably with the term a. development b. maintenance c.exposure d. regression ( my ans. is a)
6. alcohol, drugs, radiation, and pollutants that affect a child's development are called a. teratogens b. toxic inhibitors c. transferal agents d. phenylanines (my ans is b)

Your text and/or study materials (assigned webpages, workbooks, or whatever) must have these terms defined for you, right? Be sure to double-check all terminology with your assigned readings.

I agree with your answers for #s 2, 5, and 6. I disagree with your answer for #1. I am unsure of the others without having the definitions you have been given.


nope one is C

1. To determine the type of hazard a spider bite is, you need to understand the different types of hazards.

- Physical hazards refer to physical factors that can cause harm to a person, such as falls, cuts, or being hit by an object.
- Chemical hazards involve exposure to harmful substances, such as toxic chemicals or gases.
- Biological hazards pertain to organisms or substances produced by living organisms that can cause harm, such as viruses, bacteria, or venom from spider bites.
- Ergonomic hazards involve factors related to the design or arrangement of a person's working environment that can lead to discomfort, strain, or injury.

Based on this information, a spider bite would fall under the category of a biological hazard (c), not a chemical hazard (b).

2. For this question, you need to analyze the situation described and determine the type of hazard the child faces when struggling to climb into a chair.

- Biological hazards involve exposure to harmful organisms or substances produced by living organisms.
- Physical hazards are related to physical factors that can cause harm, such as falls or injury from objects.
- Ergonomic hazards refer to factors related to the design or arrangement of a person's working environment that can lead to discomfort, strain, or injury.
- Environmental hazards encompass external factors in the surrounding environment that can cause harm, such as pollution, noise, or extreme temperatures.

Given that the child is struggling physically to climb into a chair, the hazard described falls under the category of a physical hazard (b), as it directly relates to the physical strain and potential for injury.

3. To answer this question, you need to determine which factor child psychologists have concluded as the strongest predictor of both scholastic and career achievement.

- Physical illness refers to the state of being physically unwell or having a medical condition.
- Respect for authority relates to the attitude and compliance towards figures of authority.
- Emotional well-being refers to the state of one's emotional health, including the ability to manage emotions effectively.
- Inherited intelligence pertains to the genetic predisposition or natural talents and cognitive abilities passed down from parents to their children.

Based on the information provided, the strongest predictor concluded by child psychologists would be emotional well-being (c), as it significantly impacts a child's overall functioning and ability to succeed academically and professionally.

4. This question requires you to identify the correct term for a child's ability to jump for distance.

- Agility refers to the ability to move quickly and change direction with ease.
- Flexibility relates to the range of motion in one's joints and muscles.
- Explosive power refers to the ability to generate force in a short amount of time.
- Reaction time pertains to the speed at which one can respond to a stimulus.

Given that the question specifically asks about the ability to jump for distance, the correct term would be flexibility (b) as it involves the range of motion required to perform such a movement.

5. To determine the term used interchangeably with growth, maturation, and learning, you need to understand the different options provided.

- Development refers to the process of growth, maturation, and learning in various aspects of a person's life.
- Maintenance is unrelated to the processes mentioned and relates to the act of preserving or sustaining something.
- Exposure refers to the act of being subjected to or coming into contact with something.
- Regression refers to the deterioration or decline in something, often seen as a reversal of progress.

Based on this information, the correct term used interchangeably with growth, maturation, and learning is development (a).

6. To identify the correct term for alcohol, drugs, radiation, and pollutants that affect a child's development, you need to analyze the options provided.

- Teratogens are substances that can cause harm to a developing fetus or embryo, such as alcohol, drugs, or radiation.
- Toxic inhibitors and transferal agents are not widely recognized terms in this context.
- Phenylanines are a specific type of amino acid found in certain foods and are unrelated to the substances mentioned.

Considering this, the correct term for alcohol, drugs, radiation, and pollutants that affect a child's development is teratogens (a).