If a Mack truck and Honda Civic have a headon collision, upon which vehicle is the impact

force greater and which vehicle experiences
the greater acceleration?
I know they have same force.

the force from the bigger truck overwhems the small force, and the net force is in the diretion of the Mack Truck. If they do not stick together, the honda has the greater acceleration, as it has the greatest change in velocity.

In a head-on collision between a Mack truck and a Honda Civic, the impact force experienced by the two vehicles would depend on their respective masses and the duration of impact. However, assuming that both vehicles experience the same force, we can analyze the scenario using Newton's second law of motion.

Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force applied to it and inversely proportional to its mass. Mathematically, it is expressed as:
a = F/m

In this case, since both vehicles experience the same force, the acceleration experienced by each vehicle depends on their respective masses.

The Mack truck has more mass compared to the Honda Civic, so the acceleration experienced by the Mack truck would be less than that of the Honda Civic. This is because the greater mass of the Mack truck results in a smaller acceleration for the same amount of force.

To summarize:
- Impact force: Assuming the same force, the impact force experienced by the Mack truck and Honda Civic would be the same.
- Acceleration: The Honda Civic experiences a greater acceleration compared to the Mack truck due to its lower mass.

However, it's important to note that in real-world scenarios, the specific outcome of a collision can be affected by various factors such as the speed, angle of impact, and structural design of the vehicles involved.