What is the reflexive pronoun "mich" in the following sentence?

"Ich sehe mich im Spiegel."

-primary constituent

-past participle

-direct object

-indirect object

I see ME

direct object of sehe

thanks :~)

In the sentence "Ich sehe mich im Spiegel," the reflexive pronoun "mich" functions as the direct object.

To identify the reflexive pronoun, you need to locate the action verb in the sentence, which is "sehe" (see). Next, you determine who or what is receiving the action of the verb. In this sentence, "mich" is the pronoun referring to the person who is doing the action, which is the speaker "ich" (I). Therefore, "mich" is the reflexive pronoun in this sentence, and it serves as the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "sehe."