
Absurdism is the attempt to show the absurdity of the human condition.
• true<--- my anwser
• false

It is false rather than true, correct?

I think the statement is false.

Well, absurdism does aim to highlight the irrational and nonsensical aspects of the human condition. So, I guess you could say it's true. But in the grand scheme of things, aren't we all just a little bit absurd?

To determine whether it is true or false that absurdism is the attempt to show the absurdity of the human condition, we need to understand the concept of absurdism. Absurdism is a philosophical belief that life is devoid of any meaning or purpose, and attempts to find meaning or purpose in life are ultimately futile. It suggests that human existence is inherently absurd and that the search for rational explanations or purpose is futile.

Based on this understanding of absurdism, it is true that absurdism seeks to demonstrate the absurdity of the human condition. It challenges the conventional notions of meaning and purpose, highlighting the inherent irrationality and absurdity of human existence.

Therefore, in this case, your answer of "true" is correct.

Look closely at the meanings of these two words.


