A conical pendulum is formed by attaching a 0.200kg ball to a 1.00 m-long string, then allowing the mass to move in a horizontal circle of radius 40.0cm . The figure (Figure 1) shows that the string traces out the surface of a cone, hence the name.

A) What is the tension in the string?
B) What is the ball's angular velocity, in rpm?

To find the tension in the string, we can use the centripetal force equation:

F = m * v^2 / r

F = centripetal force
m = mass of the ball
v = velocity of the ball
r = radius of the circular path

In this case, the ball is moving in a horizontal circle, which means the tension in the string is providing the centripetal force required to keep the ball in circular motion.

Let's find the velocity of the ball first. Since the ball is moving in a horizontal circle, the only force acting on it is the tension in the string. This force is perpendicular to the velocity vector and doesn't do any work, so the kinetic energy of the ball stays constant. Therefore, the speed of the ball remains constant throughout its motion.

The speed of the ball can be found using the equation:

v = 2πr / T

v = velocity of the ball
r = radius of the circular path
T = time period of the ball's motion

In this case, the time period of the ball's motion is the time it takes to complete one full revolution, which can be expressed as:

T = 1 / f

f = frequency of the ball's motion

Now, let's find the frequency of the ball's motion. Since one full revolution corresponds to one complete cycle, the frequency is equal to the reciprocal of the time it takes to complete one revolution. The time it takes to complete one revolution can be found using the equation:

T = 2π / ω

T = time period of the ball's motion
ω = angular velocity of the ball

Now, let's find the angular velocity of the ball using the equation:

ω = 2πf

ω = angular velocity of the ball
f = frequency of the ball's motion

Once we have determined the angular velocity, we can use it to calculate the tension in the string using the centripetal force equation mentioned earlier.

Now that we have the angular velocity, we can calculate the tension in the string using the centripetal force equation mentioned earlier.

To convert the angular velocity to rpm (rotations per minute), we can use the conversion factor:

1 rpm = 2π radians per minute

Now, let's calculate the tension in the string and the ball's angular velocity in rpm:

A) The tension in the string:

F = m * v^2 / r

B) The ball's angular velocity in rpm:

ω = 2πf
rpm = ω * 1 / 2π

By substituting the given values and using these equations, we can find the answers to parts A and B.