By what factor does [H+] change for each pH change?

(a) 3.60 units

(b) 0.33 units

how do you do this?

"each pH change"? Wouldn't it matter what the pH changed?

the units are the amount the ph changes

To determine the factor by which [H+] changes for each pH change, you can use the equation:

[H+] = 10^(-pH)

Here's how you can calculate the factor for each pH change:

1. Calculate [H+] for the initial pH value. For example, if the initial pH value is 3.60, calculate [H+] using the equation, [H+] = 10^(-3.60).

2. Calculate [H+] for the second pH value by changing the pH value by the given units. For example, if the pH change is 0.33 units, subtract this value from the initial pH to get the new pH value. Calculate [H+] for this new pH using the equation, [H+] = 10^(-new pH value).

3. Calculate the factor by dividing the [H+] value for the second pH by the [H+] value for the initial pH.

Factor = [H+] for second pH / [H+] for initial pH

4. Compare the calculated factor to the given options (a) 3.60 units, and (b) 0.33 units to find the correct answer.

Let's calculate this using the given options:

(a) Calculate [H+] for the initial pH value of 3.60:
[H+] = 10^(-3.60)

(b) Calculate [H+] with the pH change of 0.33 units and find the factor:
New pH = 3.60 - 0.33
[H+] = 10^(-new pH value)
Factor = [H+] for the new pH / [H+] for initial pH

Compare the factor calculated in step 4 with the given options to find the correct answer.