Can you recheck this hopefully this time i did it correctly.

Crafts. Rose's garden is in the shape of a trapezoid. If the height of the trapezoid is 16m, one base is 12m, and the area is 224m ^2, find the length of the other base.

My answer:
224 = 1/2h (B1 +B2)
224 = (1/2)16(20 + b2)
224 = 8(20 + b2)
224 = 160 + 8b2
-160 -160
64 = 8b2
-- ---
8 8

8 = b2

My answer:
224 = 1/2h (B1 +B2)
224 = (1/2)16(20 + b2) Isn't b1 12 and not 20?
224 = 8(20 + b2)
224 = 160 + 8b2
-160 -160
64 = 8b2
-- ---
8 8

8 = b2
Your math is ok and you came out with the correct answer IF B1 is 20 But the problem said 12. I found 16 for B2.

Sorry that was a typo. But is everything okay the format.

looks ok to me.

The format of your solution is mostly correct, but there is a mistake in the calculation of the length of the other base (b2).

Let's go through the correct steps to find the length of the other base using the given information:

1. Start with the formula for the area of a trapezoid: A = (1/2)h(B1 + B2), where A is the area, h is the height, B1 is one base, and B2 is the other base.

2. Substitute the given values into the formula: 224 = (1/2)(16)(12 + B2).

3. Simplify the equation: 224 = 8(12 + B2).

4. Distribute the 8: 224 = 96 + 8B2.

5. Subtract 96 from both sides: 128 = 8B2.

6. Divide both sides by 8: 16 = B2.

So, your other base (B2) is 16m. Therefore, the correct length of the other base is 16m, not 8m as you initially stated.

Apart from the typo, the format of your solution is fine. Just be careful with the calculations to avoid any mistakes.