Which value correctly completes the statement?

6,501.5 KM = ______ m
1. 6,501,500
2. 65,015
3. 650,150,000
4. 650.15

6,501.5 * 1,000 = ?

Guys I'm serious! It really is A because if 6,501.5*1,000=6,501,550, then the answer is A!!!



I GOT TO CONNEXUS TOO! And yeah answer is A!!

Sorry in wrong it b

I need help on this answer two is it b or c

it's A, really

Are you guys sure its A? I hate to be pushy, but I go to Connexus. I can't really fail this, so please stop fighting.

i go to connexus and the real correct answer is A

what is the answer to number 2