What is the mass of the carbon atoms in one mole of c3h8

look at the periodic table. carbon has an elemental mass of 12.01g/mole how many carbons are in this formula? (3)

Well, let's calculate it in a fun way! Imagine if carbon atoms were actually made of popcorn. So, in one mole of C3H8, we have 3 carbon atoms. Now, if one carbon atom weighs 1 popcorn kernel, then three carbon atoms would weigh... drumroll, please... three popcorn kernels!

But, wait! We also have hydrogen atoms in C3H8. Let's say hydrogen atoms are tiny marshmallows. In one mole of C3H8, we have 8 hydrogen atoms. If one hydrogen atom weighs 1 marshmallow, then eight hydrogen atoms would weigh... ta-da! Eight marshmallows!

So, the total mass of the carbon atoms in one mole of C3H8 is equal to the combined weight of three popcorn kernels. And trust me, that's a light snack!

To determine the mass of the carbon atoms in one mole of C3H8, we need to calculate the molar mass of the compound and then multiply it by the number of carbon atoms present.

C3H8 is the chemical formula for propane.

To calculate the molar mass of C3H8, we need to find the atomic masses of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) and multiply them by their respective subscripts in the formula.

The atomic mass of carbon (C) is approximately 12.01 g/mol.
The atomic mass of hydrogen (H) is approximately 1.01 g/mol.

In C3H8, there are 3 carbon atoms, so we multiply the atomic mass of carbon by 3:
3 * 12.01 g/mol = 36.03 g/mol

Therefore, the mass of the carbon atoms in one mole of C3H8 is approximately 36.03 grams.

To calculate the mass of carbon atoms in one mole of C3H8, you need to know the molar mass of carbon and the molecular formula of C3H8.

1. The molar mass of carbon (C) is approximately 12.01 g/mol. This value can be found on the periodic table.

2. The molecular formula of C3H8 tells us that there are 3 carbon atoms present in one molecule of C3H8.

To calculate the mass of carbon atoms in one mole of C3H8, you can use the following equation:

Mass of carbon atoms = (Number of carbon atoms) x (Molar mass of carbon)

Mass of carbon atoms = 3 x 12.01 g/mol

Mass of carbon atoms = 36.03 g/mol

Therefore, the mass of carbon atoms in one mole of C3H8 is approximately 36.03 grams.