Which of the following examples would show a negative trend?

height and weight of students

test scores and height of students

outside temperature and heating bill

none of these

Unit 3 Lesson 6 8th grade pre-algebra quiz answers:

1. A; graph 2
2. A; the population stays roughly the same over time
3. C; outside temperature and heating bill
4. B; about 41

I got 100% on this quiz :D

outside temperature and heating bill. As the temperature goes down, the heating bill will increase. So they show a negative trend.

@Amanda Thripp is correct :)

height and weight of students

To determine which of the examples would show a negative trend, we need to identify which pairs of variables have an inverse relationship.

A negative trend indicates that as one variable increases, the other variable decreases.

Let's analyze each example:

1. The height and weight of students: The relationship between height and weight is typically positive, meaning that as height increases, weight tends to increase as well. This is not a negative trend.

2. Test scores and height of students: There is usually no particular relationship between test scores and height. Students' test scores do not depend on their height, so this is not a negative trend.

3. Outside temperature and heating bill: In most cases, when the outside temperature decreases, the heating bill tends to increase, assuming the heating system remains constant. This is a negative trend because as one variable (outside temperature) decreases, the other variable (heating bill) increases.

Therefore, the example that shows a negative trend is the relationship between outside temperature and heating bill.

So, the correct answer is: outside temperature and heating bill.