Why point did Elizabeth Cady Stanton make by drafting her de pertain in the style of the Declaration of independence?

What other aggrieved people in the Unite States might want to make the same point?

de pertain ???

Her point was that women deserve independence as much as men.

What other groups do you think might want to make the same point?

I mean declaration sorry

Quakers and women

Stanton's declaration was for women's independence.

Wouldn't Native Americans and African Americans also use the same format -- especially before the Civil Rights Movement?

Thanks you so much!!!

By drafting her "Declaration of Sentiments" in the style of the Declaration of Independence, Elizabeth Cady Stanton aimed to draw attention to the oppression and discrimination faced by women in society, similar to how the American colonists emphasized their grievances against British rule. In her declaration, Stanton used phrases such as "all men and women are created equal" and enumerated specific instances where women's rights were suppressed, including the denial of suffrage and unequal legal rights within marriage.

Similarly, other groups in the United States who faced or continue to face discrimination and oppression might also want to adopt the same approach to make their point. This could include racial minorities, such as African Americans who fought for civil rights, indigenous peoples seeking recognition of their sovereignty, LGBTQ+ individuals fighting for equal rights, or individuals with disabilities advocating for inclusive policies. By framing their grievances in the style of the Declaration of Independence, these groups can effectively convey their demands for equality and justice while emphasizing their shared struggle with those who fought for American independence.