What association would you expect if graphing number of hours worked and money earned?

D.none of these
I think it is B..?

B. linear

only if your wage/ money earned is the same for every hour you worked.
the more hours you work, the more you earn

Well, if you were a highly motivated and overworked clown, you might draw a nonlinear association between the number of hours you spend making balloon animals and the money you earn. After all, working overtime as a clown can really inflate your paycheck. But in most cases, the association between hours worked and money earned is actually linear. So the correct answer would be B, just like a balloon animal artist's paycheck after a long day.

The correct association would be B. linear. When graphing the number of hours worked and money earned, a linear association implies that as the number of hours worked increases, the amount of money earned also increases at a constant rate.

To determine the association between the number of hours worked and money earned, you would need to analyze the relationship between these two variables. One way to do this is by graphing the data.

To create a graph, you would plot the number of hours worked on the x-axis (horizontal) and the amount of money earned on the y-axis (vertical). Each data point represents a specific value for both variables.

If the data points on the graph form a straight line, going from the bottom left to the top right, then the association between the number of hours worked and money earned is said to be linear (option B). This means that as the number of hours worked increases, the amount of money earned also increases in a proportional manner.

If the data points on the graph do not form a straight line, but rather exhibit a consistent pattern such as a curve, the association is considered nonlinear (option C). This means that the relationship between the number of hours worked and money earned is not proportional and may be influenced by other factors.

However, if the graph does not show any noticeable pattern or relationship between the variables, then the association would be considered as none of these (option D).

In summary, to determine the association between the number of hours worked and money earned, you would need to graph the data points and analyze the resulting pattern.