let p and E denote the linear momentum and energy of emitted photon respectively if the wavelength of incident radiation is increased----

To determine how the wavelength of incident radiation affects the linear momentum and energy of the emitted photon, we can use the principles of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy.

The momentum of a photon is given by its linear momentum (p), which is related to its wavelength (λ) by the equation p = h/λ, where h is Planck's constant.

Similarly, the energy of a photon is given by its energy (E), which is related to its wavelength by the equation E = hc/λ, where c is the speed of light.

Now, if the wavelength of the incident radiation is increased, it means that the value of λ becomes larger. Let's consider the consequences on both momentum and energy:

1. Linear Momentum (p): As the wavelength (λ) increases, the denominator of the equation p = h/λ gets larger. Since Planck's constant (h) is a fixed value, the linear momentum (p) of the photon decreases.

2. Energy (E): Similarly, as the wavelength (λ) increases, the denominator of the equation E = hc/λ gets larger. As a result, the energy (E) of the photon also decreases.

In summary, if the wavelength of the incident radiation is increased, both the linear momentum (p) and energy (E) of the emitted photon will decrease.