Julie has been offered two jobs. The first pays $400 per week. The second job pays $175 per week plus 15% commission on her sales. How much will she have to sell in order for the second job to pay as much as the first?

Let x = sales

400 = 175 + .15x

Solve for x.




To determine how much Julie will have to sell in order for the second job to pay as much as the first, we need to set up an equation and solve for the sales amount.

Let's denote the sales amount as 'x'.

For the first job, Julie will earn a fixed payment of $400 per week. Therefore, the amount she will earn from the first job is $400.

For the second job, Julie will earn a fixed payment of $175 per week and an additional 15% commission on her sales. The commission earned from the sales can be calculated as 15% of the sales amount, which is 0.15 * x.

So, the amount Julie will earn from the second job is $175 + 0.15x.

To find out when the second job pays as much as the first job, we need to equate the earnings from both jobs:

$400 = $175 + 0.15x

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of 'x', which represents how much Julie needs to sell.

$400 - $175 = 0.15x

$225 = 0.15x

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.15:

$225/0.15 = x

x = $1,500

Therefore, Julie needs to sell $1,500 worth of products in order for the second job to pay as much as the first job.