The elephants at the zoo are fed 1/2 barrel of corn each day. The buffalo are fed 7/10 as much corn as the elephants. How many barrels of corn are the buffalo fed each day?

its 1 1/2

the answer is 1/3 I just got the answer wrong and the right answer was shown and it said 1/3 is the right answer.

Its literally 7

The elephants at the Marshall Zoo are fed 3/8 of a barrel of corn each day. The buffalo are fed 4/5 as much corn as the elephants. How many barrels of corn are the buffalo fed each day?

The elephants at the Putnam Zoo are fed 8 barrels of corn each day. The buffalo are fed 1/5 as much corn as the elephants. How many barrels of corn are the buffalo fed each day?

1 1/2

The answer is: 24/20 corn fed to the buffalo each day.

1/2 x 10/10 2/2 x 7/10

10/20 + 14/20 = 24/20
- Your Welcome


1 1/3 is the right answer

7/10 * 1/2 = 7/20