Need help stuck on question.

Find the range of f(x)=3g-5 for the domain (-1.5,2,4)

A- (-8,10,-1,-1)

B- (-9.5,1,7)

C- (8,10,1,1) or D- (9.5,-1,-7)

To find the range of the function f(x) = 3g - 5 for the given domain (-1.5, 2, 4), we need to substitute each value from the domain into the function and calculate the corresponding range values.

Let's start by evaluating the function for each value in the domain:
For x = -1.5:
f(-1.5) = 3g - 5

For x = 2:
f(2) = 3g - 5

For x = 4:
f(4) = 3g - 5

Unfortunately, you provided the equation for f(x) but did not provide the equation for g(x). To find the range of f(x), we need the value of g(x). Could you please provide the equation for g(x) so that we can proceed with finding the range?

The range will be the set consisting of values of f(x) for each value in the domain:

= {-9.5,1,7}

Looks like (B)

A) {7, 6, 5, 3}

B) {7, 6, 5, 4}
C) {-7,-6,-5,3}
D) {-7,-6,-5,4}