Please help. Thank You.

The stem-changers in the current section are similar to those in the previous section except these stem-change "o" to "oe."

A.) true
B.) false

Of the following, which is not a stem-changing verb?

A.) almorzar
B.) comer
C.) volver
D.) contar
E.) poder


If you have a fiesta de sorpresa for someone, that person does not know about it.

*A.) true
B.) false

The mother of the person having the birthday is the "cumpleañero."

A.) true
*B.) false

I don't have the first two answered.

Thank You

To answer the first question, you need to understand the concept of stem-changing verbs and compare it to the information provided in the question. Stem-changing verbs are those that undergo a vowel change in the stem when conjugated. In the previous section, the stem-changes involved the vowel "e" changing to "ie." Now, in the current section, the stem-change involves the vowel "o" changing to "oe."

To determine if the statement is true or false, you need to compare the information provided in the question to your knowledge of stem-changing verbs. If you know that stem-changing verbs can indeed change "o" to "oe" in certain conjugations, then the statement is true. If you are unsure or don't know this information, you may need to review your notes or textbook.

To answer the second question, you need to identify which of the given verbs is not a stem-changing verb. Stem-changing verbs have specific patterns of vowel changes in the stem when conjugated. Review the given verbs and their conjugations, and compare them to your knowledge of stem-changing verb patterns. You can eliminate options that you know are stem-changing verbs and determine which one remains.