Lisa is 16 years younger than Andy. In 6 year, the sum of their ages id 42. How old is Lisa now?

now, L = A-16

In 6 years, (L+6) + (A+6) = 42
so, substitute:

(A-16)+6 + A+6 = 42
2A = 46
A = 23
So, Andy is 23, Lisa is 7

In 6 years, they will be 29 and 13, which add to 42

A candy company packages mixed candies. How much white chocolate selling at $2.75 a pound must be added to 4 pounds of dark chocolate selling at $3.95 a pound to produce a mixture selling for $3.30 a pound?

just add up the cost of each kind. The cost must equal the total.

If there are x pounds of white chocolate needed, then the cost obeys

2.75x + 3.95*4 = 3.30(x+4)
x = 52/11 = 4.73 lbs

Odd answer. Is there a typo somewhere?

To determine Lisa's current age, we can use algebraic reasoning. Let's start by assigning variables to their ages:

Let A represent Andy's current age.
Let L represent Lisa's current age.

The problem states that Lisa is 16 years younger than Andy. Therefore, we can write the equation:

L = A - 16

In 6 years, Andy's age will be A + 6, and Lisa's age will be L + 6. The problem also states that the sum of their ages in 6 years will be 42. We can express this as an equation:

(A + 6) + (L + 6) = 42

Now, substitute L with (A - 16) in this equation:

(A + 6) + ((A - 16) + 6) = 42

Simplify the equation:

A + 6 + A - 16 + 6 = 42
2A - 4 = 42
2A = 42 + 4
2A = 46

Now, we solve for A by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

A = 46 / 2
A = 23

Now that we have found Andy's current age (23), we can substitute this value back into the equation L = A - 16 to find Lisa's current age:

L = 23 - 16
L = 7

So, Lisa is currently 7 years old.