looking for an article relating to civil law, The article can no be older than December 2010 and it has to relate to the contemporary law and justice. Any suggestions?


i found this article but i am unsure of what type of law under contemporary and justice it pertains to..

"Supreme Court is urged to allow marriage nationwide"in the LA times

please help

Is there anything about marriage in the Constitution? What laws regarding marriage have been passed by our Congress and signed by the president?

Marriage is not mentioned in the Constitution. My guess is that the Supreme Court won't even hear the case since there's nothing in the Constitution about this topic.

What is your thinking?

my project is to find a current event from a valid news source that is no older than december 2010 have it relate to the contemporary law and justice cirriculum, such law topics as congress, new laws, state and local laws,civil, etc. please help.....

my project is to find a current event from a valid news source that is no older than december 2010 have it relate to the contemporary law and justice cirriculum, such law topics as congress, new laws, state and local laws,civil, etc. please help.....

I saw your question the first time (even though it's not phrased as a question).

Did you actually read the different articles in the search results link Ms. Sue sent you? It doesn't seem so.

Stick to civil rights issues.

i did read what ms sue wrote but we are to use magazines, newspapers and interent news sites. not google

Choose one!

These are all newspapers:
The Baltimore Sun
USA Today
The Wall Street Journal

To find an article relating to civil law that is not older than December 2010 and relates to contemporary law and justice, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Start by searching on academic databases such as JSTOR, LexisNexis, HeinOnline, or Westlaw. These databases host a wide range of academic journals, law reviews, and legal publications.

2. Access the database of your choice and look for advanced search options. These options typically allow you to narrow down your search by publication date, subject area, and keywords.

3. Enter your search terms, such as "civil law," "contemporary law," and "justice," into the search bar. Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases.

4. Use the date filter to select a time range from December 2010 to the present. This will ensure that you only get results within your specified timeframe.

5. Refine your search further by selecting additional filters, such as subject area or publication type, if available. This can help you find articles that specifically focus on the topic you are interested in.

6. Browse through the search results and read the abstracts or summaries provided with each article. These will give you a brief overview of the article's content and relevance to your topic.

7. Once you find an article that seems relevant and up-to-date, click on it to access the full text. If you do not have access to the database where the article is located, you may need to check if it is available through your institution's library or consider purchasing access to the article.

By following these steps, you should be able to find a suitable article on civil law that meets your specified criteria.