4. Choose the sentence in which the comma helps make the meaning clear.

A.If you call, them the dogs will come back.
B.If you call them, the dogs will come back.
C.If you call them the dogs, will come back.
D.If you call them the dogs will come, back
I think it is B...?


Thank you

Yes, you are correct. The sentence that uses the comma correctly to make the meaning clear is sentence B: "If you call them, the dogs will come back."

The comma in this sentence helps to indicate a pause or separation between the two parts of the sentence. Without the comma, the sentence could be misinterpreted. For example, without the comma, the sentence could be read as "If you call them the dogs will come back," suggesting that the dogs will come back when they are called by someone else, rather than when 'you' call them.

By placing the comma after "call them," it clarifies that the dogs will come back when 'you' call them.

So, in this case, the comma plays an important role in conveying the intended meaning of the sentence.