Please double check me

Find the median of the following set of numbers.
47, 20, 52, 35, 58, 57
A) 49 1/2
B) 47
C) 48 1/2
D) 52
Answer: c
Which of the following numbers are integers?
2/3, 35, 0.093, -650, 42.5
A) 0.093 and 42.5
B) 35 and -650
C) 2/3
D) -650
Answer: A
Determine the maximum and minimum values of the following set of numbers.
3, -36/7, -1, -2/3, 5/4, -5, 26/9
A) Max: 26/9; min - 5
B) Max: 3; min: -5
C) Max: 3; min: -36/7
D) Max: 26/9; min: -36/7
Answer: B
-3/5 +(8/35)
Answer: C
Find the reciprocal of 1/3 (9-4)
Answer: D
Perform the indicated operation.
–8 (–2)
–21 (–21)
Answer: D

Please double check me

Find the median of the following set of numbers.
47, 20, 52, 35, 58, 57
A) 49 1/2
B) 47
C) 48 1/2
D) 52
Answer: c Arrange scores in order of value, With two middle scores, median is mean of those two scores.

Which of the following numbers are integers?
2/3, 35, 0.093, -650, 42.5
A) 0.093 and 42.5
B) 35 and -650
C) 2/3
D) -650
Answer: A Look up the definition of integer.

Determine the maximum and minimum values of the following set of numbers.
3, -36/7, -1, -2/3, 5/4, -5, 26/9
A) Max: 26/9; min - 5
B) Max: 3; min: -5
C) Max: 3; min: -36/7
D) Max: 26/9; min: -36/7
Answer: B How many times does 7 go into -36?

-3/5 +(8/35)
Answer: C -21/35 + 8/35 = -13/35

Find the reciprocal of 1/3 (9-4)
Answer: D 9-4 = 5, 1/3 * 5 = 5/3 Its reciprocal is 3/5.

Perform the indicated operation.
Answer: D No operation indicated.

Were all the "?" in the questions? I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To find the median of a set of numbers, you need to arrange the numbers in ascending order first. The set of numbers given is: 47, 20, 52, 35, 58, 57. Now, let's arrange them in ascending order: 20, 35, 47, 52, 57, 58. The median is the middle number when the numbers are arranged in ascending order. In this case, the middle number is 47. Therefore, the correct answer is option B) 47.

To determine which of the following numbers are integers, you need to understand what an integer is. An integer is any number without a fractional or decimal part. Looking at the given numbers: 2/3, 35, 0.093, -650, 42.5, we can see that the only numbers without fractional or decimal parts are 35 and -650. Therefore, the correct answer is option B) 35 and -650.

To find the maximum and minimum values of a given set of numbers, you need to compare them. The given set of numbers is: 3, -36/7, -1, -2/3, 5/4, -5, 26/9. By comparing them, you can see that the maximum value is 3 and the minimum value is -5. Therefore, the correct answer is option B) Max: 3; min: -5.

To add two fractions together, you need to make sure they have a common denominator. The given expression is: -3/5 + 8/35. To add these fractions, you need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 35. Then, you can add the numerators together: -3 + 8 = 5. The final answer is 5/35, which can be simplified to 1/7. Therefore, the correct answer is option C) 1/8.

To find the reciprocal of a fraction, you need to flip the fraction and change the sign. The given fraction is: 1/3 (9 - 4). First, calculate the expression inside the brackets: 9 - 4 = 5. The reciprocal of 1/3 is 3/1, which can be simplified to 3. Finally, change the sign to get -3. Therefore, the correct answer is option D) -3/5.

To perform the given operation: –8 (–2) –21 (–21), you need to multiply the numbers inside the parentheses and then subtract them. First, calculate -8 * -2 = 16. Then, calculate -21 * -21 = 441. Finally, subtract 16 from 441 to get 425. Therefore, the correct answer is option B) 425.

Please note that the correct answers provided are based on the explanations given.