Use a calculator to evaluate the expression. Write the result in scientific notation and in decimal form.

Did I do think correctly?

6000000 * 324,000


Use commas in your second answer to make interpreting the number easier. Showing the parts of the whole, even if nonexistent, makes it a decimal.


To use a calculator to evaluate the expression 6000000 * 324,000, you can follow these steps:

1. Enter the first number, 6000000.
2. Press the multiplication symbol (*) on the calculator.
3. Enter the second number, 324000.
4. Press the equals (=) button.

The result will be displayed on the calculator.

To write the result in scientific notation, we can express it as a number multiplied by a power of 10. In this case, the result is 1.944 * 10^12.

To write the result in decimal form, we can simply remove the exponent and multiply the number by the corresponding power of 10. In this case, the result is 1944000000000.

So, you've done it correctly. The result is indeed 1.944 * 10^12 (scientific notation) or 1944000000000 (decimal form).