if solubility of ammonium chloride is 55 at 60 degree celsius,.What is the amount of ammonium chloride dissolved in 40 gram of saturated solution at that temperature ?

To find the amount of ammonium chloride dissolved in 40 grams of a saturated solution at 60 degrees Celsius, you need to use the solubility value given.

The solubility of ammonium chloride is 55, which means that 55 grams of ammonium chloride can dissolve in 100 grams of water at 60 degrees Celsius.

To calculate the amount of ammonium chloride dissolved in 40 grams of the saturated solution, you can set up a proportion:

(55 grams / 100 grams) = (x grams / 40 grams)

Cross-multiplying, you get:

100 * x = 55 * 40

x = (55 * 40) / 100

x = 22 grams

Therefore, 22 grams of ammonium chloride will dissolve in 40 grams of the saturated solution at 60 degrees Celsius.

To find the amount of ammonium chloride dissolved in the saturated solution, we need to use the solubility as a reference.

The solubility of ammonium chloride at 60 degrees Celsius is given as 55 grams. This means that, at that temperature, 55 grams of ammonium chloride can dissolve in 100 grams of water.

To find the amount of ammonium chloride dissolved in 40 grams of the saturated solution, we can create a proportion:

(55 grams solubility / 100 grams water) = (x grams dissolved / 40 grams solution)

We can cross-multiply to solve for x:

100x = 55 * 40
100x = 2200
x = 22 grams

Therefore, in a 40-gram saturated solution at 60 degrees Celsius, 22 grams of ammonium chloride will be dissolved.