If I wanted to say "My brother was born", could I write "Mi hermano fue nacido"?

Yes, but "mi hermano nacio'" is more frequently used

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Trust drwls. The correct way is to say "mi hermano nació" and be sure there is an accent mark on the last word!

To say "My brother was born" in Spanish, you can use the phrase "Mi hermano nació." Here's how to get to this answer:

1. Identify the subject: The subject of the sentence is "my brother," which translates to "mi hermano" in Spanish.

2. Determine the verb: The verb "was born" indicates the action taking place. In Spanish, the verb "nacer" means "to be born."

3. Conjugate the verb: In this case, "nacer" should be conjugated to match the subject "mi hermano." The conjugated form for the third person, singular (he/she/it) is "nació."

Therefore, the correct translation of "My brother was born" in Spanish is "Mi hermano nació." Remember to add the accent mark on the letter "ó" to indicate the stress on the last syllable.