a+p =5

p 11/4 >a

To solve the system of equations, we need to find the values of both 'a' and 'p' that satisfy both equations simultaneously.

Let's begin with the first equation, a + p = 5. We'll isolate 'a' by subtracting 'p' from both sides:

a = 5 - p

Next, let's look at the second inequality, p > 11/4 > a. Since it's given that p > a, we can use the expression we found for 'a' in the first equation for substitution:

p > 11/4 > 5 - p

We can simplify this inequality by multiplying all terms by 4 to eliminate fractions:

4p > 11 > 20 - 4p

Now, let's group like terms:

4p + 4p > 11 + 20

Simplifying further:

8p > 31

Finally, divide both sides by 8 to solve for 'p':

p > 31/8

Therefore, for the given system of equations, 'p' is greater than 31/8.