the pet shop owner told jean to fill her new tank 3/4 full with water. Jean filled it 9/12 full. what fraction of the tank does Jean still need to fill?

3/4 * 3/4 = 9/16

3/4=9/12, so she's done. in a fraction it is 0/12 or 0/4 which is just silly looking.

To find the fraction of the tank that Jean still needs to fill, we need to subtract the fraction of the tank that Jean has already filled from 1 (which represents the whole tank).

Jean filled the tank 9/12 full, which can be simplified to 3/4.

To subtract this fraction from 1, we need a common denominator, which in this case is 4. We can convert 1 into a fraction with a denominator of 4:

1 = 4/4

Now, let's subtract:

4/4 - 3/4

= (4 - 3)/4

= 1/4

Therefore, Jean still needs to fill 1/4 of the tank.