what are the two critical points for r=4cos( 4(theta)) and its symmetries. As well as for r=2+2sin(theta)?

critical points are where dr/dθ = 0.

Since r(θ) = 4 cos 4θ,
dr/dθ = -16 sin 4θ
dr/dθ = 0 at all multiples of π.
A quick look at the graph should convince you that the symmetries are
radial about the origin,
axial about the lines θ=0, π/4 and π/2

for r = 2+2sinθ,
r' = 2cosθ
so critical points are where θ=π/2, 3π/2
axial symmetry about θ=π/2

Oh, we're diving into the delightful world of polar coordinates! Let's get started with the first equation, r = 4cos(4θ).

For this equation, we know that cos(4θ) will be equal to 1 when 4θ is equal to 0, 2π, 4π, and so on. Therefore, we'll have critical points at θ = 0, π/2, π, 3π/2, and 2π.

Now, let's talk about symmetry. Since we have a cosine function, which is an even function, the graph will be symmetric about the y-axis. That means it has y-axis symmetry. As for x-axis symmetry, this equation does not possess it because the cosine function is not an odd function.

Moving on to the second equation, r = 2 + 2sin(θ).

To find the critical points, we need to analyze when sin(θ) equals 1. This occurs at θ = π/2 and 3π/2. So, we have two critical points at θ = π/2 and θ = 3π/2.

Regarding symmetry, this equation does not exhibit y-axis symmetry since sin(θ) is not an even function. Likewise, it doesn't have x-axis symmetry because sin(θ) is not an odd function either.

Hope that clarifies things for you! Remember, if math ever gives you a frown, just turn it into a clown! 🤡

To find the critical points and symmetries for the polar curves r = 4cos(4θ) and r = 2 + 2sin(θ), we can analyze the equations step-by-step.

1. r = 4cos(4θ):
To find the critical points, we need to determine the values of θ where r has local maxima or minima. For this equation, we can take the derivative of r with respect to θ and set it equal to zero, which gives:

dr/dθ = -16sin(4θ) = 0

Setting -16sin(4θ) = 0 implies that sin(4θ) = 0. Solving for θ, we find:

4θ = 0, π, 2π, 3π

Therefore, the critical points for r = 4cos(4θ) are θ = 0, π/4, π/2, and 3π/4.

To determine the symmetry for this curve, we can substitute -θ for θ and see if the equation remains the same:

r = 4cos(4(-θ)) = 4cos(-4θ) = 4cos(4θ)

Since r remains the same, the polar curve r = 4cos(4θ) has symmetry about the origin.

2. r = 2 + 2sin(θ):
To find the critical points, we need to determine the values of θ where r has local maxima or minima. Similar to the previous equation, we can take the derivative of r with respect to θ and set it equal to zero:

dr/dθ = 2cos(θ) = 0

Setting 2cos(θ) = 0 implies that cos(θ) = 0. Solving for θ, we find:

θ = π/2, 3π/2

Therefore, the critical points for r = 2 + 2sin(θ) are θ = π/2 and 3π/2.

To determine the symmetry for this curve, we substitute (π - θ) for θ and see if the equation remains the same:

r = 2 + 2sin(π - θ) = 2 + 2sin(π)cos(θ) - 2sin(θ)cos(π) = 2 - 2sin(θ)

Since r becomes r = 2 - 2sin(θ), the polar curve r = 2 + 2sin(θ) does not possess any symmetry.

In summary:

- The critical points for r = 4cos(4θ) are θ = 0, π/4, π/2, and 3π/4.
- The critical points for r = 2 + 2sin(θ) are θ = π/2 and 3π/2.
- The polar curve r = 4cos(4θ) has symmetry about the origin.
- The polar curve r = 2 + 2sin(θ) does not possess any symmetry.

To find the critical points for a polar equation, we need to determine the values of θ that make the derivative of r with respect to θ equal to zero.

1. For the polar equation r = 4cos(4θ):

To find the critical points, we need to find the values of θ that satisfy the equation d/dr(4cos(4θ)) = 0.

To do this, we differentiate r with respect to θ using the chain rule:

d/dr(4cos(4θ)) = d/dθ(4cos(4θ)) * dθ/dr

Since r = 4cos(4θ), we can solve for d/dθ(4cos(4θ)):

d/dr(4cos(4θ)) = -16sin(4θ) * dθ/dr

To find the values that make the derivative equal to zero, we solve:

-16sin(4θ) = 0

It implies that sin(4θ) = 0. Solve for θ:

4θ = 0, π, 2π, 3π, ...

Divide by 4:

θ = 0, π/4, π/2, 3π/4, ...

These are the critical points for the polar equation r = 4cos(4θ).

2. For the polar equation r = 2 + 2sin(θ):

Similarly, we need to find the values of θ that satisfy the equation d/dr(2 + 2sin(θ)) = 0.

Differentiating r with respect to θ:

d/dr(2 + 2sin(θ)) = d/dθ(2 + 2sin(θ)) * dθ/dr

Since r = 2 + 2sin(θ), we can solve for d/dθ(2 + 2sin(θ)):

d/dr(2 + 2sin(θ)) = 2cos(θ) * dθ/dr

To find the values that make the derivative equal to zero, we solve:

2cos(θ) = 0

It implies that cos(θ) = 0. Solve for θ:

θ = π/2, 3π/2

These are the critical points for the polar equation r = 2 + 2sin(θ).

Now, let's discuss the symmetries for each polar equation:

1. For r = 4cos(4θ):

- This equation has symmetry with respect to the pole (origin) because different values of θ yield the same value of r, regardless of the sign.
- It has four-fold rotational symmetry around the pole, meaning that if you rotate the graph by an angle of π/2 (or 90 degrees), it remains unchanged.

2. For r = 2 + 2sin(θ):

- This equation has symmetry with respect to the line θ = π/2. If you substitute θ with (π - θ) in the equation, you get the same value of r.
- It has a reflectional symmetry across the line θ = π/4. If you substitute θ with (π/2 - θ) in the equation, you get the same value of r.

These are the symmetries associated with the given polar equations.